knowledgeExpCreativityWhen facing a creative conundrum, folks tend to do one of two things; hire a professional to take care of it or tackle it themselves. Many of the folks in Column B quickly discover why the people in Column A make their choice in the first place. Makin’ things pretty isn’t as easy as one might think! A professional designer brings the tri-fecta of knowledge, experience and creativity to the table. That combination can mean the difference between a design that grabs attention and drives people to your door, or one that gives the perception that you don’t take your business, product, event, fill-in-the-blank, seriously and that will cause your audience to follow suit.

While it’s true that a great logo or marketing campaign won’t bring a company to success by itself, it will most definitely sway your audience’s opinion by creating your image and how you are publicly perceived.

Think about it… if you were offered the choice of staying at two different hotels that you knew nothing about, and the first hotel had a gorgeous art-deco lobby as you walked in, and the other hotel had a folding chair and a hobo in the doorway, which one would you choose? Just based on visuals, and knowing nothing else, I think most people would choose luxury over a folding chair and a hobo. Now it’s possible that just behind that hobo is super happy fun land and beautiful people in fabulous costumes will shower you with money and diamonds every time you walk in, but the impression in the doorway says otherwise. That’s my job in a nutshell. It’s your responsibility to make sure your hotel is amazing, it’s my responsibility to get people to want to walk through the door.  It’s heavy stuff, man.

So the moral of the story is, step away from Microsoft Word, close down that logo you’re designing in PowerPoint, and call me! I serve clients in and around Fitchburg, Massachusetts, and all over planet Earth!

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